À Dieu l'École Injuste(2020)

Title :
À Dieu, l'École Injuste
Director :
Carlos Guerra
Producer :
FiltrAge.org - Gioberti Francois
Type :
Lenght :
Press Release Date :
24 January 2020 - UNESCO International Day of Education
Premiere :
14 fevrier 2020 - 13 Mars 2020 (Canada)
“À Dieu l'École Injuste” is a bilingual documentary that analyzes and tells the story reported by CBC News Ottawa on October 23rd, about a father in Aylmer. One day, Gioberti Francois’s son, Quincy, was reading a book assigned by his elementary school aloud in the car. When Gioberti suddenly heard a racist expression come from his son’s mouth, Gioberti submitted a complaint to the Human Rights Commission after appealing to the school, the school board and the Ministry of Education of Quebec.
‘’Tu es assez vieux pour comprendre qu'on est souvent le nègre de quelqu’un dans la vie et ce quelqu’un là c’est moi. Et ne me traite pas de raciste car tu sais ce que je veux dire.’’ Translated in English: ''You are old enough to understand that we’re often someone’s N-Word in life and that someone is me, and don’t accuse me of being racist because you understand what I mean by that.''
The documentary offers diverse scientific, experimental, and educational perspective on the matter.
Mr. Francois and his son Quincy were interviewed in addition to different educational scholars, notably
PhD Rachel Zellars (Saint-Mary's University) and the co-authors of a book of the same name as the documentary
“À Dieu l'École Injuste” in PhD Pierre Lubin (McGill University) and PhD Roselor Francois (McGill University).
The book gathers 10 years of research on
the educational practices not only in Quebec but in Canada as a whole.
It also exposes the injustice and the bias of
the system as it offers solutions not only to preserve the dignity of every child
but to champion the quality and inclusion that tomorrow's society calls for.
The documentary also collects the comments of everyday people, engaging
with the clients of a barbershop in the South Shore of Montreal.
The documentary, just like the book, offers a good sense of the lengthy process
that parents have to go through when they submit a complaint.
It also presents a very interesting social experiment perspective on the
negative social effect of the impact neglecting this matter can have.
“À Dieu l'École Injuste” offers a brief overview of the program and initiatives by Filtrage.org, a non-profit dedicated to raising awareness of systemic racism in education.
Filtrage.org strongly believes that educational institutions must take context, age, respect and quality education into account. Created by Gioberti Francois and his son Quincy as a response to the insensitive responses they received from the different educational institutions in Quebec, Filtrage.org is producing this documentary as a positive call for quality education in an environment where every child can strive with dignity. All this with compelling images and videography, accompanied by an awesome selection of wonderful sound, notably with music from Beethova Obas and conductor Sydney Guillaume.
The trailer will be presented on January 24, which is the first ever UNESCO international day of education.
“À Dieu l'École Injuste” is a bilingual, activist, educational, scientific and experimental visual document.
Activist: Because it raises awareness for a better educational system.
Educational: It teaches you relevant information about history, law and psychology, with content provided by acclaimed scholars.
Scientific: The solution and experiment displayed in the movie is supported by science with relevant sources, available at the end of the movie on screen as much as possible.
Experimental: A social experiment created based upon different theories on reflexes and the mind-imprinted stereotypes of society.
Documentary Main Objectives:
1. Funnel public perception : ''A Dieu l'école Injuste'' is a good, positive, constructive and provocative doc .
2. Demonstrate with critical race theory that the constitution place upon the government the responsibility of preserving the dignity of every child in the educational system in Quebec and Canada.
3. Give the public a feel of the lengthy submission process and responses for complaints of that nature.
4. Interest conversion theory : fixing the issue is beneficial for every single child no matter the race.
5. Demonstrate the disconnect between the community and the government.
6. Demonstrate the negative societal impacts of not fixing the issue.
7. Demonstrate the positive societal impacts of fixing the issue.
8. Demonstrate the impact on the identity of the child.
9. Propose to equip teachers for this matter through Filtrage C.A.R.E program solutions.
10. Find an entertaining way to educate while maintaining the seriousness the matter calls for.
11.Not too educational and not too entertaining flow supporting by image sound & music.
12. Exploring different legal aspect of the matter - Jurisprudence (Quebec- Canada).
Gioberti Francois (Producer)
Idil Mussa (Journalist and interviewer)
Corrine Joseph (Production Designer)
Nathi Acuna ( Art Director)
Omar Falcon (Soundtrack Production)
PhD Pierre M Lubin (McGill University)
- PhD Rachel Zellars (Saint-Mary's University)
Me Janik Sunstrum (Protectrice de l’élève - CSPO)
Peggy and Devlin Taillon (HERA Mission)
Gwen Madiba (UNESCO liaison)
Gary BarberShop KOIN (Montreal / South Shore)
Xcelsior Marketing (Caricaturist)
Toronto Film School Academy (crew)
Cognition-Marketing (graphic design, social-media)
This list is subject to change as the production evolves and will be definitive on
January 20 2020.
Scene Main Locations

Studio Excess of White - (Montreal)
Babershop Le KOIN - (Montreal)
PhD Pierre Lubin - Offices (Montreal)
PhD Roselor Francois (Montreal)
PhD Rachelle Zellars - Office (Nova Scotia)
Me Janik Sunstrum - Office (Gatineau)
Peggy Taillon and Devlin - (Ottawa)
Music Approval Request:
Beethova Obas - Manje Blier (approved)
Sydney Guillaume - Men Nou (in the process of approval)
Artistic Elements
Images ( Nike l Filtrage Campaign photoshoot , Quincy's profile, Filtrage.org (profile F)
Caricatures (Xcelsior Marketing)
Gary Payton(NBA) and Quincy Francois Video (profile Q)
CBC / Radio-Canada report - Review
Quincy duality Basketball / Hockey (profile Q)
PhotoShoot NIKE Filtrage
Interviews (PhD Lubin, PhD Zellars, Roselor Francois, Pediatrician, P.Taillon, Barbershop scene, Social experiment scene

Art by Xcelsior Marketing
Necessary bilingualism
Crew and contributors location to shoot (Toronto, Montreal,Aylmer,Nova Scotia)
Narrative Act
Corrine Joseph (Toronto Film School)
Gioberti Francois and Quincy ( To be determined)
Politician and Activist
Federal and provincial Member of Parliament

Art by Xcelsior Marketing

“À Dieu l'École Injuste” is an activist, educational, scientific and experimental visual document
Activist: Because it raises awareness for a better educational system.
Educational: It teaches you relevant information about history, law and psychology, with content provided by acclaimed scholars.
Scientific: The solution and experiment displayed in the movie is supported by science with relevant sources, available at the end of the movie on screen as much as possible.
Experimental: A social experiment created based upon different theories on reflexes and the mind-imprinted stereotypes of society.
'A Dieu l'école Injuste'' is a good, positive, contructive and provocative doc !