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Being someone's nigger for 6 grader in Quebec elementary school

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GATINEAU (Aylmer), QC (Canada) OCT 17 2019


On October 8 2019, a father submitted a complaint to the Human Rights Commission of Quebec due to a slave owner’s expression in a book assigned by his son’s elementary school.“We’re often someone’s nigger in life and that someone is me, Obey (…)” was the expression intercepted by Mr. Francois, when his 6 grader son was reading the book aloud in his car.


The book, “Un Cadavre de Classe” by Robert Soulières, has spread through schools in Quebec, since being awarded a literary prize by Mr. Christie, owned by Mondelez International the maker of Cadbury chocolate bars, Oreo biscuits Ritz crackers (NASDAQ:MDLZ).



“Exposing the malleable spirit of the children to such expression with no context is compromising the harmony of tomorrow’s society,” said Mr. Francois.


After reading the book in full, the 38-year-old father subsequently sent his complaint directly to the school, then the school board and to the Ministry of Education.


Mr. Francois stated in his complaint letter that his son will not resume reading the book, claiming that :


“taking a stand for our convictions is also part of education”.


The school initially responded to the parents it was their way to open discussion about racism.






























Mr. Francois expressed that he has been failed by the educational system and that the school and Ministry of Education of Quebec have a responsibility to preserve the self-esteem of every child, no matter race, religion or ethnicity.


Concerned by the books selection process, Mr. Francois decided to gather a group of parents around the #weCARE campaign, to raise awareness about the content used to educate the children.


The group want to urge the need to establish concrete measures to filter the educational material from any discriminatory content that could cause prejudice to the kids. 


“I have intercepted this indignant sentence by chance, but [...] missed systemic racism is a hidden poison,” said Mr. Francois. 


He went on to explain that parents entrust their children’s future to educators, so we should ensure they are held accountable. 






























We should, at least, try to utilize this media attention and show our kids how to turn a racist occurrence into an opportunity to make the world a better place.


Mr. Francois strongly believes that by endorsing this book with a cheque of $7,000, Mr Christie, legitimized and promoted systemic racism. 


Mr. Francois made the point that if a kid read this book at eleven years old in 1997, 22 years ago, in 2019 he could probably be a 32-year-old teacher, educator or even a policeman.


This comes at a time when a recent report mandated by the City of Montreal reveal that minorities communities are disproportionately checked by SPVM, the police force of the biggest city in Quebec. will be at the forefront of the campaign as he waits for the response from the Human Rights Commission, which handling a high volume of complaints.


Racist expression in the book :

“ We’re often someone’s nigger in life and that someone is me, Obey (…) Do not say that I am racist you know what I mean ”

Un Cadavre de Classe (Robert Soulieres 1997)

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Literary M.Christie :

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The book, “Un Cadavre de Classe” by Robert Soulières, has spread through schools in Quebec, since being awarded a literary prize by Mr. Christie, owned by Mondelez International the maker of Cadbury chocolate bars, Oreo biscuits Ritz crackers (NASDAQ:MDLZ).

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